Forskning och studier gjorda på drömmen om det goda
Sommerfelt, Ole Henning. The Dream of the Good' - a peace education project, exploring the potential to educate for peace at an individual level. Centrum för fredsstudier, Universitetet i Tromsö, April 2004.
Sommerfelt, Ole Henning och Vidar Vambheim. 2008. 'The Dream of the Good' - a peace education project exploring the potential to educate for peace at an individual level. Journal of Peace Education, 5:1, 79-95.
Terjestam Yvonne: Mindfulness i skolan (Mindfulness in school) . Studentlitteratur (2010)
Terjestam, Yvonne, Jouper, John & Johansson, Caroline. Effects of Scheduled Qigong Exercise on Pupils' Well-Being, Self-Image, Distress and Stress. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol 16, no 9, 2010, pp 939-944.
Terjestam, Yvonne. 2011. Stillness at School: Well-being after eight weeks of meditation-based practice in secondary school. Psyche & Logos, vol. 32, no. 1, 2011, pp. 105-116.
Terjestam, Yvonne, Bengtsson, Hans & Jansson, Alexander. Cultivating awareness at school. Effects on effortful control, peer relations and well-being at schools in grades 5, 7 and 8, School Psychology International l vol 37, no. 5, 2016, pp. 456-469.
Terjestam, Yvonne, Jouper, John & Johansson, Caroline. Effects of Scheduled Qigong Exercise on Pupils' Well-Being, Self-Image, Distress, and Stress. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 16, no. 9, 2010, pp. 939-944.
Terjestam, Yvonne. 2011. Stillness at School: Well-being after eight weeks of meditation-based practice in secondary school. Psyche & Logos, vol. 32, no. 1, 2011, pp. 105-116.
Terjestam, Y., Bengtsson, H., Jansson, A. (2016). Cultivating awareness at school. Effects on effortful control, peer relations and well-being at school in grades 5, 7, and 8. School Psychology International. 37. 456-469.
Bengtsson, H., Söderström, M., Terjestam, Y. (2016). The Structure and Development of Dispositional Compassion in Early Adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence. 36. 840-873.
Marianne Henriksen. Inre frid och yttre fred – Drömmen om det godas metoder i grundskolans senare årskurser. Marianne Henriksen, Specialpedagogik 65-90 p, Rapport 15 p Kalmar Universitet. 2008.
Susanne Podéus and Anna Sjölund: Pedagoger och mindfulness, en kvalitativ intervjustudie om fem pedagogers egna uppfattningar om mindfulness påverkan i praktiken, ( Institutionen för Samhälls- och välfärdsstudier ISV, LIU, Norrköping, 2010.)
Master thesis Mindfulness i skolen (Mindfulness in school), by Kristin Kristiansen, Special Education and Teaching, UiT (University in Tromsø).